Entitlement Pricing in Search

Get Entitlement pricing from Search

The Get Seller Account endpoint returns a field, imin:entitlementFilter. Use a Customer's imin:entitlementFilter as a query parameter (entitlementFilter=<opaque token>) in Search in order to get pricing in the results that reflect the Customer's entitlement.

An Example:




In the imin:AggregateOffer of each item in the results, there will be a field activeEntitlement for those opportunities where an appropriate Entitlement exists.

This price therein should be presented to the Customer. If it includes "imin:indicativePrice": true, it should be marked as "indicative" to them (i.e. it may not be the exact price).

  "@context": [ /* ... */ ],
  "id": "https://search.imin.co/events-api/v2/event-series?mode=upcoming-sessions&geo[radial]=51.5074,-0.1278,1&entitlementFilter=WyJodHRwczovL2Etc2VsbGVyLmNvbSIsICJodHRwczovL21ldGEuaW1pbi5jby92Mi9nbG9iZXgtYnJva2VyL2VudGl0bGVtZW50cyM4ZGZiYWQ1NS1mZGI1LTQ0NzktODZhNC1iODczYjE4ZWNmZjEiLCB0cnVlXQo=",
  "type": "imin:RestrictedCollection",
  "imin:totalItems": 39,
  "view": { /* ... */ },
  "imin:item": [
      "type": "EventSeries",
      "name": "Fun Climbing Session",
      "imin:aggregateOffer": {
        "type": "imin:AggregateOffer",
        "activeEntitlement": {
          "type": "AggregateOffer",
          "id": "https://imin.co/ns/offers/123456abc",
          "price": 6.8,
          "priceCurrency": "GBP",
          "imin:indicativePrice": true
        "publicAdult": {
          "id": "https://acme-leisure.com/api/offers/abc123",
          "type": "AggregateOffer",
          "price": 12.5,
          "priceCurrency": "GBP",
          "imin:membershipRequired": false,
          "validFromBeforeStartDate": "P7D"
        "publicJunior": {
          "id": "https://acme-leisure.com/api/offers/def456",
          "type": "AggregateOffer",
          "price": 7.5,
          "priceCurrency": "GBP",
          "imin:membershipRequired": false,
          "validFromBeforeStartDate": "P7D"
    // ...
  // ...

Last updated