Each OrderItem is a session or booked out facility that the customer has booked using Checkout and will be going to. OrderItems are sorted by date with the earliest appearing first in the list.
This is useful to provide customers with a schedule of what they are attending in the near future and actions for each OrderItem e.g. cancelling .
An example 200 response for a session or event OrderItem looks like the following:
Copy {
"@context" : [
"https://openactive.io/" ,
"https://schema.imin.co/" ,
] ,
"id" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page=1" ,
"type" : "imin:RestrictedCollection" ,
"imin:totalItems" : 19 ,
"view" : {
"id" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page=1" ,
"type" : "PartialCollectionView" ,
"first" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page=1" ,
"last" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page=192" ,
"imin:currentPage" : 1 ,
"imin:itemsPerPage" : 10 ,
"imin:totalPages" : 1 ,
"urlTemplate" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page={page}" ,
"next" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page=2"
} ,
"imin:item" : [{
"type" : "OrderItem" ,
"id" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/orders/0bac05e5-b207-4794-80b8-6c94211643c5/order-items/abcd" ,
"identifier" : "abcd" ,
"orderedItem" : {
"type" : "ScheduledSession" ,
"id" : "https://search.imin.co/events-api/v2/scheduled-sessions/http%3A%2F%2Fopendata.kinetic-insight.com%2Fapi%2Ffeeds%2Fscheduled-sessions%2F00000000000000000269" ,
"identifier" : "http://opendata.kinetic-insight.com/api/feeds/scheduled-sessions/00000000000000000269" ,
"startDate" : "2020-04-16T10:00:00+00:00" ,
"endDate" : "2020-04-16T11:00:00+00:00" ,
"superEvent" : {
"type" : "SessionSeries" ,
"location" : {
"type" : "Place" ,
"identifier" : "2476" ,
"name" : "test venue" ,
"url" : "http://opendata.kinetic-insight.com/venues/2476" ,
"geo" : {
"type" : "GeoCoordinates" ,
"latitude" : 51.4290485 ,
"longitude" : - 0.1692925
} ,
"address" : {
"type" : "PostalAddress" ,
"addressLocality" : " 3 Dale Street" ,
"postalCode" : "m1 1ba" ,
"addressRegion" : " Manchester" ,
"addressCountry" : "GB" ,
"streetAddress" : "Flat 3"
} ,
"superEvent" : {
"type" : "EventSeries" ,
"name" : "test sss" ,
"organizer" : {
"type" : "Organization" ,
"id" : "http://kinetic-insight.com" ,
"name" : "kinetic-insight" ,
"sameAs" : [
"https://www.facebook.com/kineticinsight/" ,
] ,
"url" : "http://kinetic-insight.com" ,
"logo" : {
"type" : "ImageObject" ,
"url" : "http://kinetic-insight.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/KI-LOGO-WEB-K-ONLY-.png"
} ,
"telephone" : "0800 808 9004" ,
"email" : "support@kinetic-insight.com"
} ,
"duration" : "PT1H" ,
"maximumAttendeeCapacity" : 10 ,
"remainingAttendeeCapacity" : 9
} ,
"orderItemStatus" : "https://openactive.io/OrderItemConfirmed" ,
"acceptedOffer" : {
"type" : "Offer" ,
"id" : "http://opendata.kinetic-insight.com/api/feeds/offers/ki-adult" ,
"name" : "ki-adult" ,
"price" : 10 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"latestCancellationBeforeStartDate" : "P1D" ,
"validFromBeforeStartDate" : "P6D"
"allowCustomerCancellationFullRefund" : true
} ,
"unitTaxSpecification" : [{
"type" : "TaxChargeSpecification" ,
"name" : "VAT" ,
"price" : 0 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"rate" : 0
}] ,
"accessPass" : [{
"@type" : "Barcode" ,
"text" : "EXT12345678901234567"
}] ,
"imin:order" : {
"type" : "Order" ,
"id" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/orders/0bac05e5-b207-4794-80b8-6c94211643c5"
} ,
"imin:isPresentlyCancellable" : true
Copy {
"@context" : [
"https://openactive.io/" ,
"https://schema.imin.co/" ,
] ,
"id" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page=1" ,
"type" : "imin:RestrictedCollection" ,
"imin:totalItems" : 19 ,
"view" : {
"id" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page=1" ,
"type" : "PartialCollectionView" ,
"first" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page=1" ,
"last" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page=192" ,
"imin:currentPage" : 1 ,
"imin:itemsPerPage" : 10 ,
"imin:totalPages" : 1 ,
"urlTemplate" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page={page}" ,
"next" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items?customerIdentifier=1234&page=2"
} ,
"imin:item" : [{
"id" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/order-items/https%3A%2F%2Fseller.com%2Fapi%2Fopenbooking%2Forders%2F56191d36-6f18-4a37-a1f8-86675144d0d1%23%2ForderedItems%2F0282c289-0c38-48fc-b9a5-93655fef1d9a" ,
"type" : "OrderItem" ,
"position" : 0 ,
"identifier" : "https://seller.com/api/openbooking/orders/56191d36-6f18-4a37-a1f8-86675144d0d1#/orderedItems/0282c289-0c38-48fc-b9a5-93655fef1d9a" ,
"imin:order" : {
"id" : "https://book.imin.co/api/v2/orders/56191d36-6f18-4a37-a1f8-86675144d0d1" ,
"type" : "Order" ,
"identifier" : "56191d36-6f18-4a37-a1f8-86675144d0d1"
} ,
"orderedItem" : {
"id" : "https://search.imin.co/facilities-api/v2/slots/https%3A%2F%2Fseller.com%2Fapi%2Fidentifiers%2Ffacility-uses%2F444-226%2Ffacility-use-slots%2Fb7f8f13f-237a-4fc5-b3d6-37837d86c1c8" ,
"type" : "Slot" ,
"offers" : [
"id" : "https://seller.com/api/identifiers/facility-uses/444-226/facility-use-slots/b7f8f13f-237a-4fc5-b3d6-37837d86c1c8#/offers/36" ,
"name" : "seller Adult" ,
"type" : "Offer" ,
"price" : 10 ,
"identifier" : 36 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"ageRestriction" : {
"type" : "QuantitativeValue" ,
"minValue" : 0
} ,
"openBookingInAdvance" : "oa:Optional" ,
"openBookingPrepayment" : "oa:Required" ,
"imin:membershipRequired" : false ,
"validFromBeforeStartDate" : "P4DT17H40M" ,
"latestCancellationBeforeStartDate" : "PT2H" ,
"allowCustomerCancellationFullRefund" : true
} ,
"id" : "https://seller.com/api/identifiers/facility-uses/444-226/facility-use-slots/b7f8f13f-237a-4fc5-b3d6-37837d86c1c8#/offers/451" ,
"name" : "seller Junior" ,
"type" : "Offer" ,
"price" : 10 ,
"identifier" : 451 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"ageRestriction" : {
"type" : "QuantitativeValue" ,
"minValue" : 0
} ,
"openBookingInAdvance" : "oa:Optional" ,
"openBookingPrepayment" : "oa:Required" ,
"imin:membershipRequired" : false ,
"validFromBeforeStartDate" : "P4DT17H40M" ,
"latestCancellationBeforeStartDate" : "PT2H" ,
"allowCustomerCancellationFullRefund" : true
} ,
"id" : "https://seller.com/api/identifiers/facility-uses/444-226/facility-use-slots/b7f8f13f-237a-4fc5-b3d6-37837d86c1c8#/offers/6247" ,
"name" : "MCRactive Free Swimming 60+" ,
"type" : "Offer" ,
"price" : 10 ,
"identifier" : 6247 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"ageRestriction" : {
"type" : "QuantitativeValue" ,
"minValue" : 60
} ,
"openBookingInAdvance" : "oa:Unavailable" ,
"openBookingPrepayment" : "oa:Required" ,
"imin:membershipRequired" : false ,
"validFromBeforeStartDate" : "P1W"
] ,
"endDate" : "2021-11-04T14:20:00+00:00" ,
"duration" : "PT40M" ,
"startDate" : "2021-11-04T13:40:00+00:00" ,
"identifier" : "https://seller.com/api/identifiers/facility-uses/444-226/facility-use-slots/b7f8f13f-237a-4fc5-b3d6-37837d86c1c8" ,
"facilityUse" : {
"id" : "https://search.imin.co/facilities-api/v2/facility-uses/seller-FacilityUse-13719" ,
"url" : "https://www.seller.org.uk/leisure-centre/manchester/hough-end" ,
"name" : "Squash Court - 40mins" ,
"type" : "FacilityUse" ,
"@context" : [
"https://openactive.io/" ,
] ,
"activity" : [
"id" : "https://openactive.io/activity-list#b7845b8a-4c0c-4a8f-93d3-d41d62eec889" ,
"type" : "Concept" ,
"inScheme" : "https://openactive.io/activity-list" ,
"prefLabel" : "Squash"
] ,
"location" : {
"geo" : {
"type" : "GeoCoordinates" ,
"latitude" : 51.491888 ,
"longitude" : 0.077221
} ,
"url" : "https://www.seller.org.uk/leisure-centre/manchester/hough-end" ,
"name" : "Head Office" ,
"type" : "Place" ,
"address" : {
"type" : "PostalAddress" ,
"postalCode" : "SE18 6SX" ,
"addressRegion" : "Greater Manchester" ,
"streetAddress" : "Middlegate House" ,
"addressCountry" : "GB" ,
"addressLocality" : "Manchester" ,
"imin:fullAddress" : "Head Office, Middlegate House, Manchester, SE18 6SX"
} ,
"telephone" : "02083175000" ,
"identifier" : "6c9ba378-6540-4931-b601-f59d03b47fd3"
} ,
"provider" : {
"id" : "https://seller.com/api/identifiers/seller" ,
"name" : "Seller" ,
"type" : "Organization" ,
"email" : "applicationsupport@seller.org" ,
"taxMode" : "oa:TaxGross" ,
"isOpenBookingAllowed" : true
} ,
"identifier" : "seller-FacilityUse-13719" ,
"_providerId" : "seller" ,
"imin:dataSource" : {
"type" : "WebAPI" ,
"identifier" : "seller"
} ,
"beta:bookingChannel" : [
} ,
"maximumUses" : 12 ,
"remainingUses" : 11 ,
"imin:aggregateOffer" : {
"type" : "imin:AggregateOffer" ,
"publicAdult" : {
"id" : "https://seller.com/api/identifiers/facility-uses/444-226/facility-use-slots/b7f8f13f-237a-4fc5-b3d6-37837d86c1c8#/offers/36" ,
"type" : "AggregateOffer" ,
"price" : 10 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"imin:membershipRequired" : false ,
"validFromBeforeStartDate" : "P4DT17H40M"
} ,
"publicJunior" : {
"id" : "https://seller.com/api/identifiers/facility-uses/444-226/facility-use-slots/b7f8f13f-237a-4fc5-b3d6-37837d86c1c8#/offers/451" ,
"type" : "AggregateOffer" ,
"price" : 10 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"imin:membershipRequired" : false ,
"validFromBeforeStartDate" : "P4DT17H40M"
} ,
"acceptedOffer" : {
"id" : "https://seller.com/api/identifiers/facility-uses/444-226/facility-use-slots/b7f8f13f-237a-4fc5-b3d6-37837d86c1c8#/offers/36" ,
"name" : "sellet Booking Adult" ,
"type" : "Offer" ,
"price" : 10 ,
"identifier" : "36" ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"ageRestriction" : {
"type" : "QuantitativeValue" ,
"maxValue" : 100 ,
"minValue" : 16
} ,
"validFromBeforeStartDate" : "P5DT16H40M" ,
"latestCancellationBeforeStartDate" : "PT0S" ,
"allowCustomerCancellationFullRefund" : true
} ,
"accessPass" : [{
"@type" : "Barcode" ,
"text" : "EXT12345678901234567"
}] ,
"orderQuantity" : 1 ,
"imin:isPresentlyCancellable" : true