Providing Schedule Information [BETA]


At present, our Platform only supports:

  • repeatFrequency - daily, weekly and monthly.

  • byDay - schema days (not iCal).

  • byMonthDay - numbers.

Our platform does not currently support iCal-type rules like 1TH (or -2WE, etc.).


The following is an example of a session that takes place every other day:

  "@context": [
  "@type": "Schedule",
  "repeatFrequency": "P2D",
  "startDate": "2018-10-19",
  "endDate": "2018-11-04",
  "startTime": "08:30",
  "endTime": "09:30",
  "duration": "PT1H",
  "scheduleTimezone": "Europe/London",
  "scheduledEventType": "ScheduledSession",
  "idTemplate": "{startDate}",
  "urlTemplate": "{startDate}"

Daily must be used with neither byDay nor byMonthDay.


The following session will take place every week on Tuesday and Sunday:

  "@context": [
  "@type": "Schedule",
  "repeatFrequency": "P1W",
  "startDate": "2018-10-19",
  "endDate": "2018-11-04",
  "startTime": "08:30",
  "endTime": "09:30",
  "byDay": [
  "duration": "PT1H",
  "scheduleTimezone": "Europe/London",
  "scheduledEventType": "ScheduledSession",
  "idTemplate": "{startDate}",
  "urlTemplate": "{startDate}"

Weekly must be used with byDay but not byMonthDay.


This session happens every month on the 5th and on the 15th:

  "@context": [
  "@type": "Schedule",
  "repeatFrequency": "P1M",
  "startDate": "2018-10-05",
  "endDate": "2018-12-15",
  "startTime": "08:30",
  "endTime": "09:30",
  "duration": "PT1H",
  "byMonthDay": [
  "scheduleTimezone": "Europe/London",
  "scheduledEventType": "ScheduledSession",
  "idTemplate": "{startDate}",
  "urlTemplate": "{startDate}"

Monthly must be used with byMonthDay and not byDay.


If you are including PartialSchedules in your data, we highly recommend that you also include the oa:schedulingNote property, found in the OpenActive Specification, to alert the end user to the fact that the session may or may not be taking place.

Last updated