Attribution Catalog Endpoint

It is a licensing requirement (see 3.7.2 of our Service Terms of Use) that any frontend that displays open data form the imin Platform must include the relevant open data attribution alongside it.

The Attribution Catalog Endpoint returns metadata of all OpenActive Datasets available through the imin Platform.

Accessing the Attribution Catalog Endpoint

In keeping with the design philosophy of the Firehose API, the endpoints includes metadata for all datasets available through the imin Platform:

As with other imin endpoints, you must provide a valid API key as the X-API-KEY request header.

Using the Attribution Catalog Endpoint with Firehose

The items within the Attribution Catalog Endpoint will include at least the following properties:

  "@context": [
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "@id": "",
  "identifier": "everyone-active",
  "name": "Everyone Active Sessions and Facilities",
  "publisher": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "name": "Everyone Active",
    "legalName": "Sports and Leisure Management LTD",
  "license": "",

The data items within the Firehose feeds include the following properties:

"data": {
  "imin:dataSource": {
    "@type": "Dataset",
    "identifier": "everyone-active"

The value of the data.imin:dataSource.identifier in the Firehose feeds can be matched against the value of identifier in the Attribution Catalog Endpoint, and hence can be used to dereference the complete data for the Dataset.

Displaying attribution to end users

It is a licensing requirement (see 3.7.2 of our Service Terms of Use) that any frontend that displays open data from the imin Platform must include the relevant open data attribution alongside it.

The attribution should be included somewhere on the page where the data appears (i.e. the session or facility page).

The following HTML is recommended for attribution on any opportunity page, based on the data in the Dataset retrieved above:

Source: <a href="{{Dataset.url}}" property="odrs:attributionURL">
    <span property="odrs:attributionText">{{}}</span>

For example, for data from Everyone Active, the attribution should be hyperlinked as follows somewhere on a page displaying that data, as stipulated at the bottom of its Dataset Site at

Source: Everyone Active

Full Example for Fusion Lifestyle

For a Firehose feed opportunity that includes a Dataset.identifier as follows:

"imin:dataSource": {
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "identifier": "fusion-lifestyle"

The following matching data should be retrieved from the Attribution Catalog Endpoint:

  "@type": "Dataset",
  "identifier": "fusion-lifestyle",
  "url": "",
  "publisher": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "name": "Fusion Lifestyle",

And rendered into the following HTML for display to the user:

Source: <a href="" property="odrs:attributionURL">
    <span property="odrs:attributionText">Fusion Lifestyle</span>

Which is displayed as follows:

Source: Fusion Lifestyle

Last updated