An Order is a completed booking that the customer has made using Checkout. The Order will contain one or more OrderItems - each is a session or booked out facility. The Order comes with a generated receipt that customers can view.
Copy {
"type" : "Order" ,
"@context" : [
"" ,
] ,
"id" : "" ,
"identifier" : "0bac05e5-b207-4794-80b8-6c94211643c5" ,
"orderDate" : "2022-11-15T15:24:26Z" ,
"imin:receipt" : [{
"type" : "Invoice" ,
"url" : "" ,
"dateCreated" : "2021-04-30T11:42:47.813766+01:00"
}] ,
"seller" : {
"type" : "Organization" ,
"id" : "" ,
"termsOfService" : [
"type" : "PrivacyPolicy" ,
"name" : "Privacy Policy" ,
"url" : ""
} ,
"type" : "TermsOfUse" ,
"name" : "Terms and Conditions" ,
"url" : ""
} ,
"orderedItem" : [{
"type" : "OrderItem" ,
"id" : "" ,
"identifier" : "abcd" ,
"orderedItem" : {
"type" : "ScheduledSession" ,
"id" : "" ,
"identifier" : "" ,
"eventStatus" : "" ,
"startDate" : "2020-01-16T10:00:00+00:00" ,
"endDate" : "2020-01-16T11:00:00+00:00" ,
"superEvent" : {
"type" : "SessionSeries" ,
"location" : {
"type" : "Place" ,
"identifier" : "2476" ,
"name" : "test venue" ,
"url" : "" ,
"geo" : {
"type" : "GeoCoordinates" ,
"latitude" : - 2.235037 ,
"longitude" : - 0.1692925
} ,
"address" : {
"type" : "PostalAddress" ,
"addressLocality" : " 3 Dale Street" ,
"postalCode" : "m1 1ba" ,
"addressRegion" : " Manchester" ,
"addressCountry" : "GB" ,
"streetAddress" : "Flat 3"
} ,
"superEvent" : {
"type" : "EventSeries" ,
"name" : "test sss" ,
"organizer" : {
"type" : "Organization" ,
"id" : "" ,
"name" : "kinetic-insight" ,
"sameAs" : [
"" ,
] ,
"url" : "" ,
"logo" : {
"type" : "ImageObject" ,
"url" : ""
} ,
"telephone" : "0800 808 9004" ,
"email" : ""
} ,
"duration" : "PT1H" ,
"maximumAttendeeCapacity" : 10 ,
"remainingAttendeeCapacity" : 9
} ,
"orderItemStatus" : "" ,
"acceptedOffer" : {
"type" : "Offer" ,
"id" : "" ,
"name" : "ki-adult" ,
"price" : 10 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"latestCancellationBeforeStartDate" : "P1D" ,
"validFromBeforeStartDate" : "P6D"
} ,
"allowCustomerCancellationFullRefund" : true ,
"unitTaxSpecification" : [{
"type" : "TaxChargeSpecification" ,
"name" : "VAT" ,
"price" : 0 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"rate" : 0
}] ,
"accessPass" : [{
"@type" : "Barcode" ,
"text" : "EXT12345678901234567"
}] ,
"imin:isPresentlyCancellable" : true
}] ,
"orderNumber" : "29" ,
"broker" : {
"type" : "Organization" ,
"name" : "LukeTestOrg" ,
"description" : "A fitness app for all the community" ,
"url" : "" ,
"address" : {
"type" : "PostalAddress" ,
"addressLocality" : "Madeupsville" ,
"postalCode" : "TS4 3AE" ,
"addressRegion" : "Middlesbrough" ,
"addressCountry" : "GB" ,
"streetAddress" : "123 Fake Street"
} ,
"logo" : {
"type" : "ImageObject" ,
"url" : ""
} ,
"customer" : {
"type" : "Person" ,
"telephone" : "020 811 8055" ,
"email" : "" ,
"givenName" : "Eheuheu" ,
"familyName" : "Eheuheu"
} ,
"bookingService" : {
"type" : "BookingService" ,
"id" : "" ,
"name" : "MCRactive Partner Portal"
} ,
"brokerRole" : "" ,
"payment" : {
"type" : "Payment" ,
"identifier" : "ch_1Aq7JRKfrmweGdVCi3JpPkEd" ,
"name" : "Stripe payment"
} ,
"totalPaymentDue" : {
"type" : "PriceSpecification" ,
"price" : 10 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP"
} ,
"totalPaymentTax" : [{
"type" : "TaxChargeSpecification" ,
"name" : "VAT" ,
"price" : 0 ,
"priceCurrency" : "GBP" ,
"rate" : 0