Loading the Checkout via Firehose

Looking to test the booking flow using Firehose and Checkout? Ask your account manager about imin's dummy dataset, which will give you everything you need to make test bookings.

Guest Checkout Route - ScheduledSessions

  1. First and foremost, please check that the following criteria (detailed more thoroughly here) are met:

    1. The ScheduledSession is bookable;

    2. The SessionSeries is bookable; and

    3. The startDate of the ScheduledSession is within the window specified by theSessionSeries.

  2. Once you are satisfied that the ScheduledSession is booklable, URI encode the data.identifer found in the scheduled-sessions feed and append it to https://{checkoutBaseUrl}/v1/scheduled-sessions/.

  3. This will load the Checkout with the details of the chosen ScheduledSession, in which the booker can enter their name, email address, and card details to complete the booking.

Guest Checkout Route - Slots

Booking via the Firehose is still in Beta and most of the work has focused on booking of ScheduledSessions rather than Slots. Please bear this in mind if you are focusing on the latter.

Authenticated Checkout Route - ScheduledSessions

  1. First and foremost, please check that the following criteria (detailed more thoroughly here) are met:

    1. The ScheduledSession is bookable;

    2. The SessionSeries is bookable; and

    3. The startDate of the ScheduledSession is within the window specified by theSessionSeries.

  2. POST to https://{checkoutBaseUrl}/api/checkout-sessions/ to make the Webhook Request, being sure to include all the relevant information detailed here, including data.identifer from the ScheduledSession (NB this does not need to be URL encoded).

  3. Take the URL from potentialAction[].targetin the Response Webhook, which will load a Checkout page.

  4. The booker can then complete the booking without having to enter their name and email address (this is because this information was included in the Request Webhook). They only need to enter their card details where it is a paid-for (i.e. not free) session.

  5. On completion of the booking, imin will send a confirmation email and also fire off a Success Webhook, which will include relevant information for you to present to the booker in whatever way you see fit.

You must ensure you have registered your webhook with imin to use the Authenticated Checkout Route.

Authenticated Checkout Route - Slots

Booking via the Firehose is still in Beta and most of the work has focused on booking of ScheduledSessions rather than Slots. Please bear this in mind if you are focusing on the latter.

Last updated