Bookable Sellers Feed

The Bookable Sellers feed is an RPDE feed whose items are Sellers that are bookable by the accessing Broker.

Accessing the Bookable Sellers feed

The Bookable Sellers feed is broker specific and can be accessed at the following endpoint:

where :broker is your broker name.

As with other feeds, you must provide a valid API key as the X-API-KEY request header.

Using the Bookable Sellers feed with Bookable Firehose

The data object in an item in the Bookable Sellers feed will look like the following:

"data": {
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Organization",
  "@id": "",

The value of the data["@id"] property represents a Bookable Seller for you, the broker. The SessionSeries and FacilityUse feeds can be filtered using this value to leave only opportunities that are bookable for you.

Testing with Bookable Sellers feed

A test Bookable Sellers feed can be found by appending -test to your Broker name. For example if your broker name was acme , your test Bookable Sellers feed can be found at

As with other feeds, you must provide a valid API key as the X-API-KEY request header.

Use this in conjunction with the test Bookable Firehose feeds in order to perform end-to-end testing against non-live data.

Last updated