Firehose and Checkout [BETA]

Is an Opportunity Bookable?

The exact name of the field referred to below as imin:isPotentiallyBookable has yet to be agreed upon. With this in mind, the following should be used for reference purposes only and should not be coded against.

It is possible to book, in Checkout, ScheduledSessions and Slots that are found in Firehose. Not all of these are bookable. In order to determine whether a ScheduledSession or Slot is bookable, find its associated SessionSeries or FacilityUse in the respective endpoints and check that the following three requirements are ALL met:

  1. (ScheduledSession/Slot) imin:isPotentiallyBookable is TRUE

    • This means that the ScheduledSession/Slot is bookable.

    • This could be FALSE if e.g. this particular occurrence ran out of spaces.

  2. (SessionSeries/FacilityUse) imin:aggregateOffer.publicAdult.imin:isPotentiallyBookable is TRUE

    • This means that the SessionSeries/FacilityUse is bookable.

    • This could be FALSE if e.g. this opportunity does not support online bookings.

  3. (ScheduledSession/Slot) startDate is within the window specified by (SessionSeries/FacilityUse)imin:aggregateOffer.publicAdult.validFromBeforeStartDate

    • The start of the time window is the startDate (i.e. the time that the customer is browsing this data) minus the validFromBeforeStartDate duration e.g. if validFromBeforeStartDate is P1W ("one week"), then the ScheduledSession/Slot is only bookable for the one week period before it starts. It cannot be booked 8 days before it starts.

    • The end of the time window is the startDate - Otherwise, it's already started!

A session/facility that is only for children will not have imin:aggregateOffer.publicAdult, which means that the 2nd requirement from the list above will not be met. You should, therefore, consider these items not to be bookable.

For information on how to locate the the associated SessionSeries/FacilityUse based on data in the ScheduledSession/Slot (and vice versa), please refer to Introduction to the Firehose.

Is a parent potentially bookable? If the parent does not exist or is not potentially bookable, then the ScheduledSession/Slotwill not be potentially bookable.

Booking a Session or Slot

If an opportunity is bookable according to the rules above, you can show your customers a "Book" button/link which uses the following URL, for ScheduledSessions:



  • checkoutBaseUrl is the Checkout hostname that we've set up together e.g. (see here for more information).

  • scheduled-session-identifier: The .identifier field in the bookable ScheduledSession. This must be URI encoded.

And for Slots:



  • slot-identifier: The .identifier field in the bookable Slot. This must be URI encoded.

Last updated